Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Facebook Page Optimization for your business pages

Facebook Pages are increasingly becoming a “second home page” for businesses online. Well definitely there are lots of benefits in having a Facebook business pages. Facebook Pages also have SEO benefits because they show up very high in search results for your brand or product. One is also able to control the landing page when a user first visits your Facebook Page.

SEO is important to all that you post on the internet related to your business brand or product. Growing your social media connections on Facebook is greatly aided by simple SEO tactics. You can do a lot to maximize your brand's exposure to search engines through your Facebook business page.

Using Flash or Facebook’s own markup language, developers like us can create custom entry pages. There are very useful applications for creating a custom page. It allows you to add almost any code to boxes that can be displayed on your Wall or Boxes tab. Even I am also using this to add campaigns of business promo. The images reside on my own server or from other uploading websites and I used html to display the images and text and pull them to the facebook page. Just about anything you can think of can be done with Facebook Pages.

Typically, when you add links in Facebook or other social media websites, the HREF tag includes the attribute “rel=’nofollow’” which tells Google or any other search engine crawler not to give link-back credit to the link. This is done to discourage spammers from using these sites to add links in order to get backlink credit. However, links added to “boxes” or on “wall tab” using Facebook apps that allow hyper text markup language are not included the “nofollow” attribute, if you’re thinking to customize your FB page, although you do need to know at least some html. The only real constraint is the dimensions of the main area and the side column.

Hmm anyways the more content you have on your facebook page the greater your content density score with Google; however, keep in mind that each tab you create has a separate URL from the search engine perspective. Content is still king so what you post beyond URLs can influence your search ability.

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